Membership with
SDU Canada

To become a member with Sudan Doctors’ Union Canada, read the requirements and regulations below, then fill out the form.

SDU Canada Full Membership requirements:

  • Fill out the membership form while acknowledging the Union's objectives and adhering to the internal regulations and decisions.

  • Adhere to paying the monthly subscription as approved by the General Assembly.

  • For full membership, the applicant shall not be a full member of the Sudan Doctors Union in Sudan or any of the branches of the Doctors Union.

  • A full member of the Union in Canada has the right to join the Sudanese Doctor's Union in Sudan or any branch of the Sudan Doctors' Union or medical associations abroad.

  • A full member of the Sudan Doctors' Union in Sudan or any branch of the Doctors Union or medical associations abroad is entitled to affiliation with the Sudan Doctors' Union in Canada.

  • The Executive Committee considers applications for membership and affiliation within one month of submission.

  • If the Executive Committee decides to refuse a membership application. In that case, it shall notify the person applying for membership of the Committee's decision and the reasons for rejecting the application within a maximum period of two weeks from the date of the decision.

  • Those whose application for membership has been rejected may appeal to the General Assembly at its next ordinary meeting.

Membership Affiliation:

  • Qualifications for membership by affiliation

  • Sudanese doctors who are Canadian citizens, permanent or temporary residents in Canada, hold full membership in the Sudan Doctors Union in Sudan or in one of the branches of the Union or Sudanese medical associations abroad.

  • Sudanese students in medical schools in Canada.

  • By affiliation, members have the right to contribute to the programs and activities of the Union, and they do not have to pay subscriptions. They are not entitled to vote or be nominated in elections, and their absence does not affect the quorum of the General Assembly.

  • Members by affiliation can make nominal cash contributions to the Union as they wish, without any obligation.

Full Membership Qualifications:

  • Sudanese doctors with Canadian citizenship, permanent or temporary residency, provided they do not hold full membership in the Sudanese Doctors Union in Sudan or outside Canada.

  • To be committed to paying the due contributions according to the Union’s bylaws.


  • Work to achieve and defend the Union's goals.

  • Commitment to the rules and regulations related to the work of the Union and the preservation of its secrets.

  • Commitment to attend meetings as determined by the regulations.

  • Pay the due contributions according to the Union's regulations.

Membership Rights:

  • Attending general assembly meetings, nominations, and elections

  • Express his/her opinion on the positions and policies of the Union in a democratic manner that takes into account the rules of respect for thought and other views and does not violate human rights.

  • Has the right to submit constructive proposals for the development of the Union.

  • View the work and activities of the Union without prejudice to the rules and regulations.

  • Participate and benefit from all the associated services under the approved rules and regulations.

  • Participate in implementing the Union's policies, projects, and programs through specialized committees and offices. ​

Full members have the right to…

  • The associate member enjoys all the aforementioned rights except nominating and voting.

Associate members have the right to…

Cancellation of Membership:

  • Violation of membership conditions or qualifications.

  • Failure to complete resignation.

  • Stop payment of contributions for six consecutive months.

  • Dismissal from the union for the reasons stipulated in these regulations.

  • Death.

Dismissal of a Member:

  • If the member is convicted or dismissed by a medical board in Canada, Sudan or any other country.

  • If the member uses the union to achieve personal goals.

Want to become a member?

Click the link below and fill out the form to join the SDU Canada.